Coronavirus Communications
Memo: Response to the 4/27/20 Proclamation
Starting May 3rd we will reopen the Church for the 10am Sunday Service only.
We will be implementing reasonable social distancing standards, increased hygiene and other measures to do our part to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19 and to stay consistent with the guidance issued by the Iowa Department of Public Health. This will have an effect on the “feel” of church. We ask that you would be flexible, compliant and willing to volunteer for any the extra work this will require. Please review the requests and actions below which we must implement and follow to do our part to abide by reasonable social distancing standards and to serve all our people as best we can.
We will only be having a Sunday morning worship service at this time: Many elements of social distancing standards make it very difficult to do others aspects of church at this point.
If you do not feel well- PLEASE STAY HOME. Especially if you are displaying any of the major Covid-19 symptoms (fever, cough, shortness of breath). This would apply to everyone in your household if one is sick. Stay home and self-quarantine for the safety of others. Let us know if you have any needs!
HIGH RISK INDIVIDUALS – Please consider staying home. High risk individuals are those whom are 65 and older, have ongoing or a history of respiratory issues, a compromised immune system or have other underlying health issues.
Keep 6ft distance from those not in your household through your time in the church. Please remember this is an issue of loving others whether or not you think it is necessary for your own safety. Choose a seat from those available and maintain 6ft distance from others. Sit with your household to save space. Please be willing to use the overflow seating in the fellowship-hall if necessary.
Increased hygiene practices.
Use the available hand sanitizer around the building
If possible, do your best not to touch things such as your face, doors (they will remain open before and after services), switches & pew handrails
Limit your restroom use if possible. If you do need to use the restroom, please use caution and wash your hand thoroughly afterward.
There will be no nursery available at this time.
Increased cleaning will be taking place after each service (full normal cleaning, all touch points cleaned, all pew wiped down)
Feel free to wear PPE such as gloves or mask if you desire too.
Parents – Please keep children with you while in the building
We will not be passing the offering plate. Continue to give as you have been or there will also be a giving box available in the foyer.
Come extra early to get seated! - We need to avoid the 9:58 rush if we are trying to abide by these principles.
The message will continue to be live streamed for those who need to stay home! It will also be uploaded on our podcast the first part of the week and CD’s are available by special request.
How to Give
Perhaps the easiest way is to give is online via this link to our secure giving webpage: All you have to do is click on the “give to general fund” button and fill out the requested information. Call or email the office if you need any assistance. Note: If you want your giving to be record for tax credit purposes you will need to create a login.
Download the app, create a login, and search for Bethel Baptist Church of Oskaloosa. Once you find our church and click on it the procedure will be the same as on our website.
Gifts, titles, offerings can also be mailed or dropped off at the church office. Our normal business hours are 8-noon Monday – Friday. Giving envelopes will be available in the church office.
Bethel Baptist Church
1407 A Ave W
Oskaloosa IA 52577
How We can Continue to Minister to Each Other
As we want to continue to serve one another during this time of need, if you would be willing to do some shopping and deliver items for those who are home-bound, please contact the church office. If you are one who is home-bound and need assistance, please contact the church office and/or one of the leadership team, and let us know how we can help. We would like to give Pastor Steve time to heal and Lynn time to care for him but any of the other leadership team would love to help you out!
Reach out to those you know beyond our church people (certainly do that as well). See if people need help. Be willing to serve others and to turn the conversation to spiritual things. Share the hope we have in Jesus with them. People’s world has changed! Many are fearful and considering some of life’s hard questions and we have the answers!
Call one another! Many now have extra time on their hands! Share a scripture verse or some other form of encourage.
We can still visit one another! As long as groups stay under the 10 we are still free to visit and encourage one another. We must do so in a loving way so consider the following:
Talk to the person before you visit! Make sure they are comfortable with this and are not practicing social distancing
Refrain from visiting if they are elderly or high risk
Make sure they are not experiencing any symptoms and do a self check on yourself before going
Be Wise!
Helpful Information from the CDC
There is tons of information on the CDC website including this self-checker:
Watch for symptoms: Reported illnesses have ranged from mild symptoms to severe illness and death for confirmed coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases. Call your doctor: If you think you have been exposed to COVID-19 and develop a fever and symptoms, such as cough or difficulty breathing, call your healthcare provider for medical advice. The following symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure.*
Shortness of breath
Practical Preventive Health Care Steps
Wash your hands often with soap and water; use alcohol-based sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol if soap and water are not available
Practice no contact greeting; elbow bumps are in, handshakes out
Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands
Avoid close contact with people who are sick
Stay home when you are sick
Cover your mouth with your upper arm or tissue when coughing or sneezing
Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces
We will continue in prayer and promise to do our best to keep you up-to-date with information by sending our church related information via email and posting information to the church Facebook page. Feel free to call the church office if you have any other questions.